DU – (Disconnect Urself)

If you haven’t read my first post about how Du Sucks on their customer service, check it out.This is another post for Du-Disconnect Urself experience.. #enjoy

From Thursday (3Jun)  evening, we lost our broadband and landline connection from DU(Disconnect Urself). So Friday morning I called their customer service to report the fault, I have stay on the line for like half an hour (and it keeps on saying please hold on the line your call is important to us!) and the customer service agent has told us to do this and that, like try to check the Connection Set up, etc.. But I find it irrelevant because neither me or my husband has change any default setting on our connection or in the Internet Explorer properties!! So she said, that they will make a report on that and they will be in touch with us within 24hrs! So Saturday passed, no phone call!!!

I called Sunday morning to follow up what the hell is happening and again I have to wait for again like half an hour to be connected with an Agent… And thank God! Finally I got connected with the agent… Then she said, we are very sorry for the inconvenience their technical team is working on it…. Please wait for another 24-48hrs.. WTF!!! Sunday passed, NO phonecall received.

So Monday morning  I called to follow up again and it’s the same thing they said… Sorry for the inconvenience. Please wait for another 24-24hrs.

Today, I call them again for the same thing!!! To get in touch with them is not so easy.. then when you finally get connected the agent has a problem with her headset and she’s telling me to call again – HELL NO!!!  I won’t hang up, and wait again that long!!!(FYI – f* yourself immediately) So again, she told me the same thing..

I want to ask DU:

  1. Will they ever deduct the 5 days I don’t have internet/landline to my monthly bill?
  2. How long will it take for their Technical Team to sort this out?
  3. Are they only looking or fixing this fault? (because the customer service always says that they taking a look on your complain)
  4. After all the media release that Du has made about their profit during the first quarter of 2010, why can’t they buy a good headset for their customer service agents)? * cause I barely hear them…

FYI, If Free Zone Area like International City, can get a connection from Etisalat we will definitely go with Etisalat.. First, because they know how to fix this kind of problem and they have a good Product Range you can choose from that will really suit your needs.

Dubai meetup with WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg

The first WordPress meetup in Dubai was held at BUNKERS restaurant in the club house in Montgomerie Golf club last night January 2. I can say that it was success as we learn so much from matt and with the other WP fanatic who attended the meetup.

Some of the interesting stories that I can still remember about the group conversation was the on progress work of WordPress 2.8 where dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints. He also talk about how he started WordPress, the new 2.7 interface which is very COOL and everyones like it, and other question and answer portion:) which we like it a lot.

click here to check the Photos of the Dubai wordpress meetup..

Faces of Death for Whale Sharks

Dubai Atlantis whale shark could face death from being kept in “sterile and chemically treated settings” at the Atlantis
, the executive director of an influential animal welfare group has warned.
The Animal Welfare Institute has written to the UAE Ministry of Environment and Water to point out that whale sharks are protected under the CITES convention on endangered species.

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Base jumping in the world highest tower – “Burj Dubai”

If you are from Dubai you may be remember a few months back a french guy was caught after base jumping in the Burj Dubai the current tallest building in the world , was imprisoned, and was fined. Well they has been released and returned in France. He and his friend a British guy have now revealed something that not even Dubai’s authorities knew. There were two of them, an Englishman (who escaped) and the Frenchman, and they had both successfully completed the jump a few days before, got away scot-free, and documented the entire adventure on film. The footage was used to create this crazy little 7 minute short documentary below by Current TV. Watch the video below

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Blogging with my Wife

After a long months convincing my wife to join in the blogging community, is now happened..  Few days back on October 27, she started a blog in blogger platform which is titled “Struggle in Dubai“. She just had a few blog post focusing her life in Dubai.

At first I think her blog is a bit sad and boring because of the topic, but I think for the start and for learning too that would be ok. If you have time please congratulate her and advice her on how improve her blog..
