Category Archives: Technology

Dubai meetup with WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg

The first WordPress meetup in Dubai was held at BUNKERS restaurant in the club house in Montgomerie Golf club last night January 2. I can say that it was success as we learn so much from matt and with the other WP fanatic who attended the meetup.

Some of the interesting stories that I can still remember about the group conversation was the on progress work of WordPress 2.8 where dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints. He also talk about how he started WordPress, the new 2.7 interface which is very COOL and everyones like it, and other question and answer portion:) which we like it a lot.

click here to check the Photos of the Dubai wordpress meetup..

GITEX 2008 – Annual information technology exhibition in Dubai

Gitex Shopper and Consumer Electronics Expo, all are ready to the public who want to go to GITEX to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2008.

Gitex shopper is an event that consumers look forward to the whole region is becoming synonymous with good deals and bundled offers. This year is no different; Gitex shopper will offer visitors exciting promotions such as Gitex Mega Draw.

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Dubai Real Estate Web Design

Have you ever wonder if there is any real estate web design in Dubai, I stumble some of the good real estate website here in Dubai. I think Emaart, Nakheel, Oryx Real Estate are the one that I like. Dubai Real Estate Web Design is not just designing a template, You need to be creative enough to impress your clients. I will list some important details you need to know if you are going to design a real estate website.

  • The website should be css web based.

If you don’t know how to create a website with css based, then you don’t have the right to create any
website, though try to learn. I recommend css tutorial from

  • Secured Your PagesEvery pages that you create should be secured for hackers or for normal people. Search for MR G to do that.
  • Forms Validation

I saw so many Dubai Real Estate Web Design that their forms are no validation.

  • Make it User friendly and usability

Sometimes clients always insist what they want. You should say it to them what it needs to, not just
follow their orders, Remember when people look onto the website the first impression is, Who created
this website.

I will post later about CSS TUTORIAL…

Register your .ae domain NOW

UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) will start the registration and licensing process for the domain name .ae, said a top official of the authority. This is in wake of internet’s new-found-marketing value and potential that’s running into billions of dollars globally. Internet advertising is expected to reach an annual figure of $120.3 billion world-wide by 2012.

We aim to promote the Domain Name Registry System’s framework, highlight the different members, and promote the use of the .ae domain name.”
A team consisting of engineers and technicians of the TRA will manage the technical services and ensure the application of regulatory frameworks and procedures for the registration of domain names. They will provide the necessary licences for providers of domain names in and outside the UAE in order to develop, encourage and promote the use of the domain name .ae.

Please check the website to see registrant partner.

DU Sucks! VS ETISALAT Quality!

DU the famous telecommunication in UAE, one of the competitor of ETISALAT are now in deep sh****t and I will tell you why. Here’s my story . 2 months ago I was staying Deira near Reef Mall a beautiful new building with 2 bedroom hall flat small kitchen with big balcony, we had a connection of 512 KB package of ETISALAT on that place for a year and half and I can say their service is great, and even 6 people using the wireless connection it never laggs, also even 1 computer is downloading movies the other is dowloading mp3 or music other are working with website and some are only surfing the net, you can still say that it never gives a problem or to have a slow connection.

After 2 months

We move in a beautiful place, International City going to HATTA | OMAN, we are staying in CHINA CLUSTER near Dragon Mart. International City is a freezone area and DU monopolize all freezone area in the U.A.E. (that’s what I know). I got a DU package subscription including with telephone line, Internet and TV connection. They install 256 KB and Im the only one using it, since I subscribe for the internet I cannot open 4 to 5 browser using FIREFOX at the same time, If im going to do that, it will not open any website the I browse. I thought it was only the computer, maybe it has some virus or spyware, I get my laptop in the office which latest DELL laptop and still the internet is so slow. I remormat my DESKTOP computer to makes sure it is clean, after a couple of hours I finish reformating and. VIOLA!!! my internet is still slow, I am so so so so upset for the service.

I called their support and they give me instruction to see if it makes different, like unplug the RJ45 cable, turnoff the router, unplug the cable to the wall and so on and so on… What do you think??!@&*%*&My problem is still not resolve, Now I don’t have any chance to work more and to become productive because of this sh***t connection..


I’m not giving up and I think the solution and the best way to do is upgrade my subcription from 256 to 512 KB … Yes this is the last thing that I can think of, to resolve all this nonsense thingy… August 29 I called DU Telecommunication and told them to upgrade my subscription and they told me it will be activated for 24 to 48 hours before I can see the effects..

2 Days after.. Aug 31, 2008

I never use my computer for 2 days, as I thought it will be useless If Im going to work and then I will just make myself upset again.. I open my new reformat my 2007 DELL DESKTOP COMPUTER, it loads some anti virus, yahoo messenger, Microsoft messenger and xammp application..

I am a bit excited to work because i have so many pending jobs that I need to work on and it’s urgent. After all application open, I click firefox then  it loads the google homepage quickly.. I open 2 of my website and it never opens, I type yahoo website on the navigation and still not loading…


oh men! oh men… what do I need to do for this connection that I have right now.. I am not upset but it peas me off!!! arrgghhh what is this people doing on their company.. From Sept 1 until today September 12, 2008 they told me the system is down, the next day they told me they are upgrading, the next day, they told me thta they forgot to upgrade and then back to system down to upgrading then gorgot… Is this a joke?? I am waiting for them to bill me out for the next month, and then I will tell them that I forgot my credit card or I upgrade my credit card, Do you think they are going to accept the reason.. ??b**lsh****t**  !lmao excuse my language but arggghh If I can do anything to this people…!!


It’s very simple! DU SUCKS! and  ETISALAT is GREAT!

PS: I wrote this post in microsoft word then wait for an hour to load my wordpress blog! sigh!